Tucson Festival of Books is March 12th - 13th, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

I will be attending the Tucson Festival of Books this year. I was supposed to go in 2020, but sadly it was cancelled due to Covid-19. However, I am excited to attend this year and I would love to see you there!
I am sharing a booth with two of my writer friends, so if you would like to come talk to me, look for the booth The Pirate, The Poet, and the Pilgrim.
I will have a limited supply of signed color edition copies of Thrown to the Wind and A Home in the Wilderness available on a first-come, first-served basis. You can also ask me about the third book in the series, At the Mercy of the Sea, which is scheduled to release sometime in the Fall.
I hope to see you there!
