Just got back from the AFHE Convention up in Phoenix last weekend, and wow, what a success it was! I had a fantastic time with my daughter-in-law, Lena, whose constant eagerness to help and support me was an amazing blessing! I made numerous contacts with other authors and publishers and learned a tremendous amount from these new colleagues, who willingly shared their experiences and advice with me.
It was a very busy weekend and Lena and I were exhausted, but happy, by the end of each day. The new book covers were tremendously successful, and sales were fantastic. Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback on my new covers, reviews for my books, and encouragement on this journey. I couldn’t do it without you all and I am eternally grateful to you!
Amazon Prime Day also saw an increase in sales for my Kindle books, so again a big thank you to those of you who shared this deal with your family and friends.

The temperature in Tucson has been 110, since we returned from Portland, OR last week, which has been a difficult adjustment coming from the cooler (though warm by their standards) weather. We did finally receive rain on Monday. In fact, it down-poured buckets … right before our power went out for several hours. And it was still 94 degrees F by 9 pm. So, my beautiful husband got the generator going for our trailer and the two of us and our dogs, slept in the travel trailer. Apparently, the power came back on around 11:30. We were blessed to have that option, but I do feel badly for those who didn’t.
Our tortoises enjoyed the rain, perhaps even more than we did! If you look closely, you can see all three of them drinking off the patio. Our elderly dog, Roger, hates storms – the wind and thunder especially. He also hates going outside to potty when it is raining, so it was stressful for him. Our younger dog, Milly, is learning not to be afraid of the rain though, so that’s a win.
As some of you may have seen in my publisher’s newsletter, my editor has resigned to become a full-time mom. I am so happy for her and wish her all the best with her new venture. It does make me a little sad though because there is no doubt that I would not be where I am in my writing journey without her skill and guidance. I will miss having her input on my future book projects.
I have found a new editor, who seems enthusiastic for the challenge. And so the work continues. We are hoping to have all the edits and revisions completed by Christmas. If so, I am hoping to start releasing my book early to anyone who would like to be a beta reader for me.
Here is how that will work …
I release the Kindle edition of At the Mercy of the Sea, before the actual book launch for $0.99, announcing it only to my Beta Readers. I ask only that you will read it and leave a review on Amazon before the actual launch. This will help with the visibility for the actual launch. Also, many people prefer to purchase a book only after reading the reviews.
If you are willing to serve as a Beta Reader, please reply to this email and let me know, so I can add you to the list.
I am looking forward to getting back into my routines now that I am home.
Take care and I’ll connect with you again next month!
